Tuesday, December 1, 2009

29 Days

In 29 days we will be departing for the continent of Africa. A total of 22 of us will be on mission in Kenya. In previous blogs I have shared a number of things that we will be doing. I want to take this opportunity to share briefly about "Faith Comes By Hearing." Below is a brief description from their website.

Faith Comes by Hearing

Mission - Our mission statement is to record and use heart-language Audio Bibles to bring His church together and make disciples from every nation, tribe, language, and people. God's Word is for every tribe, people, and tongue.

Faith Comes By Hearing is committed to reaching the nations with the Word of God in Audio, offering the Bible in a format that will connect with the world's 50% illiterate population. To accomplish this enormous task, the Lord has assembled a group of committed leaders and dedicated servants of His Word to develop into a reality the vision of bringing His church together and making disciples.

The word "nation" is the Greek word ethnos, which means "of the same language and people group," not the political borders of a country. The worldwide Bible translation and distribution ministries have determined there are 6,809 ethnos, or nations, in the world, most of which cross many political borders.

Faith Comes By Hearing is providing 6 Proclaimers for us to bring to Africa. The Proclaimer is an audion Bible that can be used withoout electricity or batteries. The beauty is that we will be able to share the Word of God in Kiswahili as well as the Massai languge.

The Proclaimer

stay off the paved road...


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