Friday, January 15, 2010

Back From Kenya

Over the next several posts I will share pictures from our recent mission trip to Kenya. I also want to share a brief report. We saw God work in tremendous ways. Our goal was simply to be available and responsive to him.


764 people came to know the Lord
429 students committed to True Love Waits
1,200 Bibles and Gospels of John distributed
Treatment given for 20,000 goats
Treatment given for 2,000 cows
1,068 people treated at 3 clinics in the Narok region
820 families fed
400 mosquito nets distributed
Resources provided for 3 church roofs
Resources provided for desks and bookshelves at the Busia Bible School
Resources provided to complete phase two of the school project in Leer, Sudan
Resources provided to support Kenyan pastors


FBC Bloomfield Team
Medical Clinic

Food Distribution

Children at Water Well

Mosque in Narok
Please continue to pray for the ongoing work in the Rift Valley.
stay off the paved road...

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