I had the opportunity to engage in conversation with several homeless individuals this evening. The most lengthy dialogue was with Linda. She told me the story of getting involved in a gang at a the age of 16. Her story was one of turmoil, conflict, and broken dreams. She shared that her life nearly came to and end a couple of years ago at the hands of a rival gang in Albuquerque. She showed me the scar on her head where she had been shot. We spoke a for a while about her journey on the streets. Her pain was obvious and her face told the story of a person who had aged far beyond her years.
Glenda was another person in need of a hot meal. She told of turmoil in her family and of time spent in jail. Her harsh environment has definitely created a hard exterior. As we engaged in conversation, her emotions told a different story. It is hard for anyone to live on the streets, but particularly difficult for women.
In the back of my mind is always the thought of the 2,000+ passages of scripture that deal with those in need. So...church...what are we going to do? "Truly I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me." -Jesus
nice post..
keep posting...
really sorry to hear about it...makes one realize that you're so so blessed...
I have a homeless friend at the moment and I try to help him, but it is extremely hard to help him with these social restrictions. Sometimes I wish there wasn't such a thing as etiquette. Then, maybe, people wouldn't be reluctant to help.
Many thanks for taking this possiblity to speak about this, I am strongly over it and I reap the benefits of studying this subject. When possible, when you gain data, please update this blog with new information. I’ve discovered it extremely useful.
I work at the Saginaw Rescue Mission, so I appreciate your posts on the homeless. There are so many broken lives, but many times that brokenness is the path to spiritual healing. If you haven't heard of Mike Yankoski and his books Under the Overpass, and Zealous Love, I recommend you read them - valuable insight into homelessness and Christian social justice.
Thanks Jeannette - I have read "Under the Overpass" but not "Zealous Love." Two other books that have been impacting are "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan and "Radical" by David Platt. May the Lord bless you in your ministry.
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