Friday, December 9, 2011

Books Read in 2011

I thought I would share some books that I read in 2011. I would have to say that there was something profitable in each book and they were worth reading. I am putting together a reading list for 2012. I am also taking suggestions. I plan to read the Bible again and 23 others.

Books Read in 2011

And: The gathered and scattered church – Hugh Halter and Matt Smay

Barefoot Church: Serving the least in a consumer culture - Brandon Hatmaker

Bible - God

Economy of Love – Darin Peterson

Erasing Hell: What God said about eternity and the things we made up – Francis Chan and Preston Sprinkle

Fatherless Generation: Redeeming the Story - John Sowers

Generous Justice: How God’s grace makes us just – Timothy Keller

Gospel in Life: Grace changes everything – Timothy Keller

Radical Together – David Platt

Sacrilege: Finding life in the unorthodox ways of Jesus – Hugh Halter

Speaking of Jesus: The art of not-evangelism – Carl Medearis

The Hole in Our Gospel: The answer that changes my life and might just change the world – Richard Stearns

The King Jesus Gospel: The original Good News revisited - Scott McKnight

The Man who makes a Difference: 10 keys to a life of impact – Jim George

The Poor Will Be Glad: Joining the revolution to lift the world out of poverty – Peter Greer and Phil Smith

The Tangible Kingdom: Creating incarnational community – Hugh Halter & Matt Smay

The Tangible Kingdom Primer – Hugh Halter & Matt Smay

To Own a Dragon: Reflections of growing up without a father – Donald Miller

Tribes: We need you to lead us – Seth Godin

When Helping Hurts: How to alleviate poverty without hurting the poor and yourself – Steve Corbett and Brian Fickert

...stay off the paved road



Unknown said...

Awesome list. Any two books you recommend some one definitely read (minus the bible as that's a given :) )

veste adidas said...

nice post.

Unknown said...

Wow, I've not seen someone write up a list of books they've read before. This is so awesome. In 2012, i will read as much as i can.

buy rift account said...

Great! such a wonderful post.

WingAbouts said...

I love your list of books, so happy to have found your blog through the handy "NextBlog" button! I am a Truth Project fan, an oddly enough have read a lot of Seth Godin's books as well. I wouldn't have thought there was another person in the world with those 2 things on their "resume". I am sure to enjoy your book list, I printed a copy to keep and remind me what they are. Thanks and GOd bless!

agonie said...

Wow, I've not seen someone write up a list of books they've read before.

I have to like this, cheers :))

Jamesbr44 said...

I wish you the best in your
great work; we need more people
like you. the world is now becoming
very close due to technology.


Hj brown

James Pereira said...

Hello, welcome to my gospel page rgds.